
Garden of Healing and Hope is a resource for family and friends of addicts. Currently, we are partnering with Louisville Metro Parks  and will be beautifying garden beds by the Iroquois  amphitheater and also in Charlie Vettiner park. Future development within the parks system is also an option. The visibility to the public will bring increased overdose awareness  and drive home  the severity of this epidemic.  We are searching for property for our forever home. In our dedicated space, we can honor the deceased and offer  fellowship and support for all those grieving as well as for those who are struggling with active addiction in their family unit or amongst their peers.   Phase 1 will  incorporate plantings and hardscape which will be available for dedication. Subsequent phases will incorporate  structures including a chapel formemorial services and life celebrations. The community center will be able to offer resources. meeting spaces, and opportunities for education.  We will keep you posted as things develop.


My grief journey

I will embrace my pain.  Indescribable and immeasurable grief is the price of great love.  From the dark depths of winter of my soul, rejuvenation and rebirth will come again in spring. As the changing of the seasons, so too will I travel through the seasons of my grief journey. Here will I experience the cycles of life and death that remain a constant in nature. But how?   Where do we find solace? How do we adjust to the new norm? Death cannot destroy eternal love. We remain spiritually connected in spite of physical absence.    
Through nature,  signs can be seen. Shortly after Sean's death, I kept encountering crickets. I was curious about the symbolism of crickets.  One meaning that really resounded with me was finding my soul song; the music that empowers you to speak your truth with conviction . I do feel convicted to speak about the value of life. Another interpretation represents a higher sense which connects us to angels and the universe. It gives me comfort that I remain connected to my loved one.  I see other signs: birds, butterflies, caterpillars, feathers, heart shaped clouds and rainbows.    It is in nature that we find healing. The beauty of nature mirrors the beauty of our love ones lives.  It is in the garden that we can honor our loved ones . Here we can find time to reflect, connect, reset and ultimately heal.

In memory of Sean Gilhooly

  On June 5th 1988, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy into our lives. We named him Sean, which means God is gracious, a gift from God. God gifted us with 29 years before he called him home. He knew his pain and struggles were too great and showed his graciousness and compassion by delivering him from the battle and defeats of addiction .   Sean was a sensitive and gentle soul who was not superficial. Sometimes we feel too deeply; while we do have many wonderful things in this world, it can be overwhelming. This gentle nature left him susceptible to the evils of this world. He was not a fighter but a lover.   The struggles with addiction spanned over a decade after a head on collision.  Sean tried to fight his disease and did have periods of sobriety ; he deeply desired to stay clean. He was very passionate about his career in the local IBEW 369 electricians' union and had achieved 5th year apprenticeship. He was liked by many and was very employable.   He had bright hopes for  his future including marrying, buying a home and raising a family; this disease robbed him of his dreams. The evils of addiction blinded, deceived, controlled, destroyed and ultimately took his life.   He was very private about his struggles but did share that he felt a lot of guilt and shame. My hope is that we an eliminate the stereotyping which causes our loved ones to feel like lesser human beings. We need  to honor their memory and the beauty of their lives.

The Board of Directors



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  So many lives have been affected by addiction. In the United States alone, hundreds of thousands have lost their lives to accidental overdose and many more have succumbed to death from secondary causes of substance abuse.


Millions mourn the loss of loved ones and the battle rages on. It affects the health and well being of all who love addicts. Addiction is truly a family illness. The impact of substance abuse ripples far beyond the addict alone. It can be hard to understand what is going on and easy to lose hope but understanding is the first step to hold on to that hope.

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 We are those of many who love an addict. We are those of many who lost an addict. Unfortunately, people still view addiction as a moral failing rather than a disease; the addicts are looked upon as bad or weak people. People hate the addict instead of hating addiction. This stigma must end.


Addiction has shattered many people’s world. It is a story where life has been forever changed through the struggles of trying to save a loved one’s life. The stress, anxiety, isolation, and helplessness can take a toll on one’s mental and physical well being. Hope was the only thing that we can cling to; when it all comes crashing down that hope can be robbed away. Leaving the family to now try and assemble the broken pieces of life. It is important to find strength in one another.

Plans for the Garden

Feel free to contact us